Maharashtra Government today has declared aid of RS.2000/- per construction worker registered under BOCW Act.
Kindly submit Bank details of workers Who are registered in BOCW in case not submitted.
Maharashtra Government today has declared aid of RS.2000/- per construction worker registered under BOCW Act.
Kindly submit Bank details of workers Who are registered in BOCW in case not submitted.
Government of West Bengal, Directorate of Commercial Taxes in exercise of power conferred under Rule 12 of the West Bengal State Tax on Professions, Trades, Callings, and Employments Rules, 1979, for the year ending 31st March 2020, the last date of filing Annual return in Form-III has been extended from the earlier date of 30th June 2020 to 30th September 2020. Please refer the notification for more details
In continuation to the MHA Order dated: 15/04/2020, The Department of Labour & Employment has issued the enclosed notification regarding operation of Factories in Gujarat
The State of Karnataka has announced Extension of Due date Remittance of Profession Tax – March wage month extended to 20th May 2020.
Gazette notification enclosed
Find enclosed the state wise Hot-spots declared which shall not be permitted to commence operations on the proposed date of 21st April as announced by the MHA.
In continuation to the MHA Orders regarding relaxation of Lockdown for certain industries, Kerala Government has issued the Notification today with Complete details.
In case you qualify for the same, You are requested to approach the Municipal Commissioner or the District Collector for permission to commence operations.
Enclosed is the Notification copy for your reference
Please find attached herewith the Notice Under Disaster Management Act – Bangalore City.