Government Of Punjab Extends Working Hours For Factories For Three Months

Factories Act

Government of Punjab, Labour department vide notification dated 20th April 2020, in exercise of powers conferred under Section 65 of the Factories Act 1948, has exempted factories for three months from certain provisions of the Act. As per the notification the regular working hours of Nine hours per day as per Section 54 of the Act and allow the working of maximum twelve hours per day for all factories permitted to operate in the State of Punjab. Spread over hours shall not exceed thirteen hours in one day instead of a maximum of ten and half hours as provided under Section 56 of the Act. The workers shall be provided wages at the rate of twice the ordinary rate of wages as provided for overtime under Section 59 of the Act. All precautionary measures advised by the Government for sanitization and principles of social distancing and less contact shall be strictly adhered to. Please refer to the notification for more details