Legal Update : Minimum Wages Revision – Tripura
Please find attached The Minimum Wages amendment notification for Tripura State
(The effective date is from 01st April 2023)
The Government of Haryana vide Notification I.R-2/2020/7740-7868 has released the variable dearness allowance towards Minimum Wages effective from January 2020.
The Haryana Minimum Wages Notification 1st January 2020_compressed copy
PFA Punjab Minimum Wages Revision wef 1st March 2020.
The Punjab Minimum Wages Notification 1st Mar 2020_compressed
Please find enclosed Revised Min Wages applicable to employees engaged as Contract Labour in Gujarat.
Please find enclosed Revision in Min Wages effective 1st April, 2020
Gujarat Minimum Wages Increased by 14.10 per day.